The Airsoft Experience

Force Recon Daybreak AAR with Cody Cook and Wyatt Irwin from INC airsoft

Michael Massicotte Season 2 Episode 2

In this episode we sit down with  Cody and Wyatt from INC.  we break down there first experience as commanders in a big event setting.  We go over the game, from pre planning to execution. we talk about what you need to prepare  yourself  for a game this long at the new field The Compound. Its a great listen full of a lot of useful information. 

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Speaker 1:

It's only game. Why you have to be mad.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck was that? That was ski. Oh, no, that was definitely ski.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and this is going on. The bloopers, oh, I love it. Okay, and three, two, one Rental advisory. Now welcome to the airsoft experience. Six, one way up, contact left side. Seventy.

Speaker 2:

Coming to you. Contact left. Contact left.

Speaker 3:

We're flanking left side Suppress Push push, push, we're moving.

Speaker 2:

We're moving. Right side, right side Got him they're pulling back now.

Speaker 1:

All right, and welcome to the airsoft experience. I am Michael Mascot, also known as Magic in Ontario Airsoft, and today we're super lucky to have two really good dudes in the Ontario Airsoft world and that is Cody and Wyatt from Inc. How are you guys doing, good man, good man, happy to be here, happy to be here. You guys are, I'm happy you guys are here and just so everybody listening. This is the second fucking time we're doing this, so we are recording live at Action Airsoft Club in Mississauga and I guess somebody smoked a transformer or a pole with their car and we had about seven minutes in and here we go, starting again.

Speaker 1:

Yay we lost the power. So we're going to try to get back in the groove here and before we get started, this episode is about Force Recon's Daybreak, which was the debut game at the new mega field, the compound. It is a game that's put on by Force Recon every year. They do two a year. One would be Nightfall, which we'll touch on in a bit, and Daybreak, where Cody Cook and Wyatt went up against Mike Ortooth.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it and the alpha guys.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, mike, I don't know why I can remember your name, but it was probably one of the closest games that I've watched. I unfortunately couldn't play. Yeah, that was sad. It fucking killed me.

Speaker 2:

I can't even imagine I would have been chomping at the bit just watching what was going on.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you one thing. We'll get into it after. I just want to quickly touch base on the PRZ situation, just because I've played a lot of airsoft at that field with you, two fine gentlemen and your team, mostly against, but luckily sometimes with Great firefights. But I just want to PRZ's closed end of an era and I know you guys made your home there for a while. I just quickly, before we get into Daybreak, I want to pay homage to PRZ and I want to get your thoughts on the whole situation and maybe a memory or two. So let's go.

Speaker 2:

Definitely a place that's going to be missed. I remember playing like my first Nightfall there, getting like just into the murder hall and just camping out for a minute and just thinking to myself what am I doing? Thinking of like how I can be effective, what I can do to try to help my team push forward, and that was before like I'm sitting there. In anything that I could buy second hand I did so it's kind of like one of those humble starts right, and it's just a place that I learned a lot of skills, a lot of different ways to be effective with whatever you had, and that was kind of like the thing that I really took away from PRZ. It was a unique field. I mean the way that the buildings and stuff were set up, like it's going to be hard to replace that.

Speaker 1:

It's definitely going to be hard to replace. What about you, Wyatt?

Speaker 3:

I mean, I grew up playing there right Like my first Nightfall I was 18, or it just turned 18, and played there as much as I could sense.

Speaker 2:

I think we've been, I don't know, I can't put a number to it, like there's just no way that I could put a number to how many games we played there, but I know like as a team, that was the home field for us, especially when flags were closed. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3:

And then there's you're going to struggle to find infrastructure like that anywhere else to play.

Speaker 1:

Let's put it that way this way, for four years, like I knew, prz had a shelf life, maybe before the community. Yeah, just because I'm closer with Tim and Teddy and Patricia and that's literally their home, so I started looking like seriously trying to look for the same thing, like something with infrastructure. At first we approached what was it? Anyways, it was some property that they're now demoing. I forget where it was, but it was an old, like World War II POW camp.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no way.

Speaker 1:

I think it was in Bowmanville I can't remember what the fuck it was called, because my memory is gone but that's been cool, we tried. It's hard because you have to think about it as a business, even though it fucking kills me to say that, because I only want to just go there and play airsoft.

Speaker 2:

It's two sides to it, though right, like you're doing something to keep the sport going, because, like we've been having fields drop like flies. Oh it's crazy Like it's been wild, like, even like Barry paintball just set a fire. Yeah, like I'm hoping that they rebuild because that field was fun when I've been there 100% I'm curious why Barry doesn't do more big games Like I don't know what it is.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure either, but I know that like, even like our guys have talked about going there to play like a Sunday, like scrim day we used to.

Speaker 1:

Life fighters used to go to Barry quite a bit, especially in the winter, because they were still rocking and rolling. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

There's no reason not to right. It's a good test of your like physical and it's a good test of your gunfighting, because the way that their structures set up are so different. The hills there are amazing. Yeah, like you're, I don't know. I tasted blood every time I was coming back.

Speaker 3:

I was coming back, I was alone with a bus and I was in better shape then. Like I never got to truly play that really sick CQB town setup that they had. Sin City, yeah, sin City, super fun we only did one fraggo there that I can remember and you were so hyped about like, oh, it's a sudden death. I can't fuck up like that. I never got to explore it in the way that I would have liked to, so it was.

Speaker 2:

It was unique and I remember like in that situation I think I was one of the last guys alive and I suck so like I knew that there was a time of how long I was going to be in there and I'm just doing everything I can, right, but it was such a unique like place to play. I'm hoping they kind of step into a little more of what we do.

Speaker 1:

But I would love to see some more fields like do big games, because, yes, we've got a new field, it's got some new, new stuff. But the last thing, and I don't ever want to say anything bad about PRZ, but it's very monotone. As a game host, yeah, it's very hard to host a game there because of the amount of games we've all played, they're relatively all the same.

Speaker 3:

That we know all the angles Correct, well, you end up the same 50 yard line right, and that's probably one of my I want to say complaints of Barry as well, because they do have that huge no man's land stretch. That's really. Yeah, it's entertaining, yeah, but it's sport. Having played there twice, it gets pretty sporty trying to break that. But then the same thing with PRZ right, where it's always that 50 yard line, crossroads, kitchen loading bay.

Speaker 1:

The last was the helicopter in Southfield, yeah, yeah, that's always where the fight's going to develop 100% and as a game host like myself, lightfighter Milsim, we were trying to host a game but we didn't feel comfortable hosting it there, because now you're just another cookie cutter kind of game. Like how, how do you change up that game unless you're a lu fucking uh? Yeah, yeah, milk Sufa I mean you're, you're fucking Get a helicopter.

Speaker 2:

Get a helicopter, change the fucking game.

Speaker 1:

That was crazy. Thank you, go to Dennis. You guys rock. That was incredible. That was awesome. Now I'm going to put it out there when we're talking about this no game was ever bad. No, not by any means. No, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Always a good time, always interesting, always sporty is probably the best way to word it, right Cause the thing is, when everybody knows the field, everybody knows the angles, yep. So now you're like you're squirming to try to make something happen. You got to work.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, you got to work, it's the only way to get better. Like, and even there was a game host like. The first conquer was like nothing. I've ever played Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was so unique.

Speaker 3:

We've talked about that in the past, but trying to find something that would mimic that is challenging, so I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so the future I guess changed for the milsim world would be the development of the compound.

Speaker 2:

Oh, big time 100%.

Speaker 1:

So we, like I said before, we were looking for buildings Doesn't exist no, insurance wise, money wise, upkeep wise all of that doesn't exist. So we bought a big plot of land and I said, fuck it, let's build a town. So we physically built a full town block fuel stations, roads, the whole nine. The one thing about this field that I'm not going to talk about about anybody else is this field was built by air softers. That's a big deal For air softers and everything is on a realism factor, because the history of the field and we'll get a little bit into the history of the field it actually started out for law enforcement to train their dogs. Wow, okay. So that's where everything started.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, okay, well, this is cool. Do we want to stay just doing military and police, dog and seer and search and rescue? They're only during the week. So I'm like, wait a second, we got the weekends. Airsoft is only for the weekend. So I'm like, you know what? Fuck it, let's pull the trigger on this property. My business partner and I, we pulled the trigger and I started building and there you go.

Speaker 3:

That's huge. I suppose we should just take the moment to say thank you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean really like it gave us a home again, type of thing, right, because there's been like there is a lot of fields out there but there's none that are stepping up to the level of mill sim. That, like PRZ was Correct, like you could host any type of game at PRZ. So to find a facility that's like willing to host any type of game again, that's huge.

Speaker 3:

Well, and we'd been spoiled in the past, right Like we had the college, we had PRZ. So having someone that's willing to put in the work and build the town and then having heard some of the other stuff you're talking about, really excited.

Speaker 1:

I just I wanted to kind of change it up to the point where you still do have the the Mount facility in the CQB, but you also have the bush. Because, like personally, my team and I know you guys know this from icebreaker last year we fucking love the bush. Oh, definitely, like I love playing in the bush, but I also we love clearing corners, we love clearing buildings, we love throwing grenades right. So we need to both. We got to do both, got to do both.

Speaker 3:

Got to do both. Got to do both. I think that's another point on the PRZ is that players are going to have to learn and develop right Cause, like we've, I want to say, been lazy in terms of the bush, but we haven't played a lot of bush games since Flags Wipe Close.

Speaker 2:

We're really good at working cover right but it's one of those things where you throw us into a forest Now you got to.

Speaker 3:

it's not just a pre-built cover that I'm leaning up against right, we got to relearn all those tricks and habits again and you got to be fucking quiet, cause you can man that forest is loud, oh it's crazy, it's crazy, it's crazy, it's loud. I swear some of the boys are magnets for broken sticks.

Speaker 2:

I'm one of them.

Speaker 1:

I know All right, so let's back this up Force. Recon the first big event at the compound 2023 daybreak last year or 2022. It was us versus Michael Bright.

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 1:

You guys were playing on Bravo side, commanded by me. That was a good time. You got squad of the battle.

Speaker 2:

We did, you did. That was a three-peat, three-peat. Yeah, that's what that episode was about. That's right, that's right.

Speaker 1:

And when you guys weren't with me for the two major games or three major games, you were with me Nightfall.

Speaker 3:

We did Nightfall, conqueror, daybreak, daybreak, every other game we shot each other. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it went. We've always commanded for you. Seldom do we get to play beside you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, that is true. Maybe this year that'll change, we'll see Time will tell right. Yeah, time will tell, but the thing is I really enjoy good gun fights, so that's why.

Speaker 2:

That's the whole thing, though. Right, like it's fun to shoot with your friends, it's more fun to shoot at your friends 100%, because you know when you hit them they're going to call it yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then the longest time with Crywolf as well, like there was a probably three, four-year stint where we didn't play beside them. No, that's true, right, but you always knew when you were fighting them.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you did. Oh amazing.

Speaker 1:

So this episode's about you guys, because you guys were commanding Bravo for this year's Daybreak, like I said, against Mike, warthooth and Alpha. This is not Mike's first command. He did Red Road I believe yeah, he did. Yeah, which I attended and played for him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he did that like what a month or two before Daybreak.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in Renfrew and dude, that was a fucking epic game man.

Speaker 2:

It sounds it from what I've heard about it.

Speaker 3:

I think we're looking at this, that one this year for one of the ones on our roster.

Speaker 1:

Great game. Like I am picking and choosing games this year, but that is definitely one on my fucking radar.

Speaker 2:

There you go. That says something yeah, yeah, no kidding, I'll have to figure that one out, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

Our good friends Team Cal and Echo, usually like they're pretty stable in the community with their vehicles. Oh yeah, big time. Because they do own two. So we usually run with them, and this year I think we'll see what happens. But we are going against them because Force Recon Nightfall this year this fine gentleman to my left here is going up against me and Ski for Nightfall 2024.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be a good time. I'm excited for it. There's some big changes coming in Nightfall that I'm really pumped for, because a lot of the time it seems you get certain people sign up on one side and certain people sign up on the other side yeah, and neither good nor bad. That breeds the same type of game year after year after year. So now they're talking about this dodgeball. Sign up, yep, and I like, personally, I think it's a great idea. I think it's awesome. Everybody who signs up gets to play. That's not up for discussion. Yep, and you sign up, you're playing. It's just a matter of what side are you going to play for, unless you're on the shit list, yes, yes, unless you're on the shit list.

Speaker 1:

I'm not.

Speaker 2:

We do have a shit list.

Speaker 1:

We have a shit list. There is teams Plurl, plurl on this list Big time. That, unfortunately, even if you do sign up, you're being told you're not playing at this game.

Speaker 3:

Consequences. Right, it's the team motto Fuck around, find out, Fuck around find out.

Speaker 1:

Do not come to an event to barbecue. Come to an event to play.

Speaker 2:

That's the biggest thing Because, like I even said it on the last time we were here, we pay for 18, we play for 18. Like, my team's got a motto we play till broken Yep, and that's just what we do. Because, the game is 18 hours, it's not six, it's not 10. It's not 12. Like there's no reason to say you're going to go the distance, then show up and just not.

Speaker 1:

Daybreak went the distance it did. Daybreak did go the distance First time in a long time it went the distance, and I don't care what anybody on that field says.

Speaker 2:

I know for a fact it went the distance because I was on that fucking field yeah yeah, I was literally sitting there in the CP just waiting to see what was going to go on and like reacting to, like the still the firefights that were going on.

Speaker 3:

We still had.

Speaker 2:

we had a mission right at the end. Yep Like we blew up the comms tower right at the end.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So it was really nice to see the game host like even commit to the full thing too, right, not saying that they never did, but it's just nice that we had two sides that were active. And that's the first time that's happened in a bit because, like the day breaks, we played like we shut them down early.

Speaker 3:

Oh fuck yeah, well, like we were 630.

Speaker 2:

I think I was like at our. That was one of the earliest ones. That was one of the earliest ones.

Speaker 3:

Ah there's been some early.

Speaker 1:

I fall 10 man, I fall 10.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I fall 10 was bad, oh man. But that's also why we made the shit list 100% Right, because it's people who sign up or are taking spots from people who could go the distance Exactly. And it's not even like. It's not that they're a shitty team or even that. It's just the fact that the seriousness that we're trying to achieve with these games isn't there because of certain things, correct? So if people aren't going to hit the tone of what the game is supposed to be, they just. It makes sense.

Speaker 3:

Well, you've got dedicated game hosts that are putting in all the work, you've got field owners putting in all the work, you've got our command staff Like it was a lot of work.

Speaker 2:

You put together a PowerPoint presentation. Oh yeah, anyone on Bravo had a slide deck Was it.

Speaker 3:

We did two weeks out in a month in advance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, the thing is and I'm the same way, because you guys have played under my command before I think getting information out for a game that's in June early is almost a downfall. Ok, to a point, you guys run anything the way you want to. No, no, no. I'm always appreciative to hear that info, that info that you're putting out. Like, say, I start a group, I start putting fucking info out. Now, yeah, that's fucking gone. Yeah, you know life happens, that shit's gone, and then you know what happens a month before You're just doing it again.

Speaker 2:

Yep, see, and that's the thing. So we'll make the group sooner than later, once we know the teams and everything we're getting, but then it doesn't get active until closer to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just kind of wrangle all your chickens into the coop. That way you know exactly what's going on.

Speaker 2:

Got to count your chickens, man. Got to count your chickens To qualify it as well.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't anything like here's the grand strategy and you're doing this. It was more like here's what our expectations are.

Speaker 2:

Here's what we do to make sure we stay proficient, right Like we give some inside info into how the team operates to make sure that we stay up for the 18 hours, to make sure that we actually push and it's tough.

Speaker 1:

It's tough because you're not fucking walking three seconds to your CP after you're fucking wiped in the hall of death.

Speaker 2:

No, You're a 15 fucking minute walk and if your gun goes down it's an hour to your car, 100%. And the amount of people who didn't realize that and it was disappointing because it's just like I'm missing. I'm just missing people for an hour.

Speaker 1:

It's half a kilometer from your car to the entry of the field.

Speaker 2:

When you have to be brought in by your. Tv second guess what you're bringing, because you need everything 100%. That's the biggest thing Everything Error quotes We'll get into that.

Speaker 3:

I gotta go into the pic.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back. So this is your guys' first command. It was our first ever command, first ever command ever for the fucking show oh man, the big show. Well, I would say, I would say I would say go nightfall, then daybreak.

Speaker 2:

I agree. I agree, but the the it is scales different. It is more it is, the more serious games right, For sure, and for me it was really special to be like one of the first commander set at the compound.

Speaker 1:

I think that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Like I. I was really proud of that and I literally like 110% effort was given. I seen it Like there was full expectations outlined, like I had two radios on me at all times because I had to make sure that I was successful. To my guys, that's the biggest thing, right, I was hesitant.

Speaker 3:

So Cody gets asked and Cody asked me. I'm like man, I don't know if this is the year for us to do this, like I had a lot of other stuff going on outside of work, yeah, and then, as we like, he just shows up at my house, knocks on the door, sits down at my kitchen and he's like let's start. Like what are the, what are the needs, what's the ass?

Speaker 2:

what do we have to do here?

Speaker 3:

And it's starting okay, this is feasible, Like we actually probably could do this this year.

Speaker 2:

So that turns into the ass Once you combined the two of us together. I, I, why, and I both. We both have four brain cells right Three that we own and one that we share. And like to the point where, like, we both wore black pants and we didn't even talk about it Like it's just one of those things where Scary sometimes.

Speaker 2:

If I'm thinking it. If he's thinking it, I'm saying it. If I'm thinking it, he's saying it. So, like I knew, in order for me to command, I said to them I was like I need Wyatt with me and if I don't have his buy-in, it's like it's a phone call. Hey man, like you know, we have certain things that we want hit and like one of them was to not command against you for the first time Because, it being our first time, like to go up against someone who's got nothing but W's under their belt, it's a little different right.

Speaker 2:

So it's not that like I would have been down for it, but I know I wouldn't have convinced him. But then all of a sudden he's like okay, like those markers have been hit and like we're both big communicators, right. It's like talking to a force or econ, like I need answers, like you've seen me already. I need answers because I'm already planning, like I literally I cause they were doing interviews, you know, like they hadn't really fully decided who they were picking yet. But they're like like we, you're, we're very interested in you. And I was like okay, let me see if I can get like my two IC on board, right. And then all of a sudden I am at his house and I get another phone call yeah, we're in, no problem, yeah some gray bearded fuck, put your name up to force.

Speaker 2:

I don't know who that guy was. But then, like literally, they called me. They're like, they're like, so you're down. I'm like, I'm already halfway done planning, yeah, we started.

Speaker 3:

at the point it's like we're already sitting here talking, so it's like, okay, who do we want for platoon leads? What would our recce team look like? How are we going to start flushing this? I still have the sheet of paper. Like who do we want? And then it's like, oh shit, we're like knee deep in this and it's, we're almost done, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The thing too is, from commanding at PRZ to the compound is fucking nothing in the same at all.

Speaker 3:

I would have been way more equipped to do PRZ 100%, because we know the map. There's like seven years of experience playing that field. I can tell you which window to come into and which angle to approach it from, whereas this was like I almost had a brain aneurysm at like I don't know two, three o'clock just trying to have a first time, commanding all that overwhelming information be. I don't know where the fuck any of this stuff is Trying to set up a hard point and you don't even know what the fuck's going on.

Speaker 1:

And that was the thing, right?

Speaker 2:

Like we had poor Greg with his little crayon and a map just going ballistic. He's trying to monitor the radio, he's trying to do everything all at once.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I hope you don't mind. We made some renovations in the Bravo CP. I've seen that that's awesome. I love it. We did have permission. I did bug Mike in advance for the listeners at home, but we knew that there's going to be certain things for us to make sense of all this and we took the liberties of doing so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it. Stuff's still there, everything is still there, just in about two feet of snow. Yes, there you go. Everything's holding up very well. I'm actually pretty impressed.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to toot my own horn, but Well, I heard about the concrete pilings you guys put in. My goodness, if it doesn't hold up, I'm shocked. I think it's a concrete problem at that issue.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't want to talk about it about anybody, but there is some heavier set players that we don't want going through walls.

Speaker 3:

It makes sense. I mean yeah, yeah, they're going to be sturdy.

Speaker 1:

Myself included, with our hard heads. Like I mean, I've been known to ram indoors.

Speaker 2:

I don't run quick, but I can run through a wall.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. That's what it is right For sure. So how do you guys think that your first command went Personally?

Speaker 2:

I feel like I had a couple things that I could have done better. Like, really my role there was to player manage Right. Like I'm the guy who's looking out for when people are turning and burn. I got a spreadsheet of people's ins and outs because, like the wall of shame is something that you use. That I took from because to me, I get a scope on what's going on. If I see a team slowing down on their turn and burns, okay, what's up? Why? Like what's going on right? And like there's only one team who knows what team that is that continued their turn and burn times real high. Like the whole game. They averaged five to seven minutes and I'm really proud to say that was my team. And like that was huge because field presence for this game was massive, especially because we lost squads early 100%.

Speaker 1:

And I can kind of understand where you're going to get that attrition level, just because, like I said before, think about even a vehicle at PRZ Literally can drive around in a five minute circle here. To go around the field in a vehicle is like 30 minutes, oh easily. You know what I mean First time's.

Speaker 2:

Our vehicle would go out and it'd be an hour and a half till they came back.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like they were coming back on fumes. Like it was that's what it was right. So I think, like for me, managing my players and my expectations was something I need to work on, because I said to everybody if you sign up under me, you're going to play like Inc, and then I didn't have that, yeah. So it's not that we couldn't overcome it, but it was something that I need to manage my expectations a little bit more. Which is a tough field man, it being sand alone, rob's, your push off on a step 100%.

Speaker 3:

And it's talking on the beach like find out. Like it's hard. Oh yeah, it's not easy.

Speaker 2:

I've never played this field. I still haven't right, but it's one of those things where I like, just walking from where our draw point was to where our CP was, like I was spent, I'm carrying a ton of extra gear and stuff because I knew I was just going to be sitting up for like hours, right, but still like it was not easy.

Speaker 1:

That's why we try to set up the command post or the CPs properly, so you can do your job. So having an enclosed building, you know what I mean Keeps kind of the sun out, the wind out. You can set yourself up. Keep your fucking guys out of there. You know what it's got? Two doors, one in, one out. Yep, and it made sense. You got a shitter, yeah that was nice.

Speaker 1:

Both CPs are built the exact same as opposed to one trenches off to the right and one's dead center Makes sense. This year there's going to be four CPs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, so there'll be four different places, so there'll be two on one side, two on the other side, but now you can go across from each other. That's good. What do you mean? Because we were real close. We were real close, you're one, what were you? So when I measured it, you're 0.8 of a mile from the other CP.

Speaker 3:

It did take the boys very long to cross that. Yeah, even with the slow going and the bushwhacking, I think it was like what 3.34 o'clock by the time.

Speaker 2:

we had somebody sitting out front. Yeah, Just like just there watching.

Speaker 1:

Just eyes on.

Speaker 2:

And just letting us know what's going on.

Speaker 1:

So for a game that CPs aren't attackable, those positions are actually set up perfectly Agreed. Everything is equidistant away, yeah. And it makes complete sense, yeah, but when you have an attackable force, yes, that's where the other two are coming into play. Makes sense. We just ran out of fucking time.

Speaker 2:

No, that makes sense. You're scrambling Right. Like I remember talking to you, like, yeah, I'm doing everything I can, and like I know, when you say that, like I can see it, like I know what's going on.

Speaker 3:

Well, we saw the live Facebook updates right. We're like holy shit, he's hammered out a whole town and trench lined in. What was it? Five months? Yeah, on weekends On weekends Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Like I mean spread out between the other fucking events, like it's either we play an event, if we're not playing, we're there building.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And you know what I do? Take shots at my team. But those ladies and gentlemen on life fighters are what built this field. It's amazing. They're there swinging fucking hammers and I'm taking it apart after they build it and building it right, right, right.

Speaker 1:

No, there's been plenty of people in the community and we thank them for their continuous help and their support and their sponsorships. And Cody got a sponsored by Echo got us some cool stuff which I've definitely used very well and they're still holding up strong. So we thank Cody for that and everybody in the community that's helping out. And let's get back to what we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Wyatt, what are your thoughts? I got notes, I brought notes, I know you did.

Speaker 3:

It was hard, like I said, it almost gave me a brain aneurysm trying to manage everything that was going on. And I'm only doing half of the sorry, a third of the management. We've got our RTO, greg, who took over the map board. So he's got his bank of radios, he's got his map and that's where he lived for the next 18 hours was in front of that board.

Speaker 1:

How did pregame go for you guys? Was that nerve-wracking, Like were people actually fucking putting their two cents in on group? Or are they answering your questions Honestly?

Speaker 2:

not really Like if people had questions they would ask. But it wasn't like to me that was easy, like I can like why I decided to pick Wyatt as my two ICs, because I'm really good with people and he's really good at the rest of it. So I use him for the rest of it, right. But when it came to like the people and stuff like that, like I'm answering questions, I'm helping people out and trying to do what I can to try to get the best player experience right, because I want them to know what they're walking into.

Speaker 2:

It's like I did try to lay things out and there were certain people like putting two cents in, but we also didn't really form a proper plan ahead of time and we didn't tell anybody anything until we actually got there. It's like, hey, you guys are going to do this, you guys are going to do this, and like the PL is kind of like half ass new, but it wasn't like okay, you guys are going to the town, you guys are doing this. No, no, no, it's like we're going to just send out probes and see what happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cause other than leaked shit, nobody was supposed to see, like what was going on on the field. That's the whole thing, yeah. So how do you really do a plan? You can't, and that's the thing with Daybreak it's mission oriented right.

Speaker 1:

So that's definitely part, other than they added the fucking flags, yeah, which they never had at Daybreak before, which is now. You got to kind of spread your your shit a bit thin, especially like what? What were at nine each or eight each for squads, I think it was nine. Nine, yeah, cause you had NFA switch over.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's right, exactly.

Speaker 1:

They were at the compound yesterday cutting down a poplar that was fucking dangerously leaning towards my barn. Oh, geez. In a fucking snowstorm. These three motherfuckers went up there and cut that shit down, didn't even bat a fucking eye, send me a message, said have a good day, boss, we'll see you next weekend.

Speaker 3:

Oh geez, it was amazing. We should give them a quick shout out. Thank you very much, guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they made a group broke that game because if they didn't switch over, like, I don't know what was going to happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're. They're a good group of people actually stole one of them as a as a recruit.

Speaker 2:

Oh man Go.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he just he's a player that's worth looking at. That's all. I feel you there, that's good.

Speaker 3:

In terms of managing it. Like you said, we were going in cold, so everything that we had seen was from studying the drone footage that you put up, like Hawks yeah. And then maybe finding some maps online from various counties, because the north is actually pretty well mapped, impressively yeah. And then just trying to figure out. Like, by the time we got maybe I don't know a month out from game day, we think we had a pretty good idea, knowing, like, okay, if the town's here, it's going to be a certain shape and the CPs will probably be in one of these clearings, so we just started mapping out okay, if we start on this side, this is our plan. If we start on this side, this is our plan. If we're totally wrong, this is how we spread it out.

Speaker 2:

And yeah, we literally had like three operating plans set up, just because we didn't know.

Speaker 3:

That was one of the nice things with having the teams and being able to reach out to people. So Cody managed to talk to people in advance and go hey, this is kind of what we're thinking, do you want to come play for us? And again, knowing the right tools for the right job, you've got a team that's great at bushwhacking, like cry wolf. Let's go throw them in a bushwhacking role, a heavy hitter team, like cow. They're going right up the middle in the town. I watched that.

Speaker 2:

Right tool for the right job is what we always say Right and that's why that's how we run the team Right. Like there's a reason why it's the two. I see there's a reason why I lead it and there's a reason why the guy who's at the front of the stack is at the front of the stack. There's a reason why the guy's rear guard, there's a reason why we have a medic who's a medic, like it's the whole thing right.

Speaker 3:

But really just learning, learning a how to manage the battle space right, cause, like it was our first command learning the field, because we at the start of the game, we knew that comms and the radio is going to be crucial, because we have no idea what we're looking at here. Yeah, so Greg and I stepped off and grabbed some of I can't remember which squad it was, everything was kind of a blur to get the radio station, get the map, get our talk set up. Let's actually start understanding the battle space. And then that was all, just Did you?

Speaker 1:

guys find you had problems with comms. Yes, you did. Yes, really.

Speaker 2:

Yes and no, it was like further on in the day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah it wasn't until like almost 10, 11 o'clock at night that things started to get a little weird.

Speaker 2:

I don't start hearing weird noises and stuff over the comms. That didn't make sense and it wasn't people talking. We didn't have anybody like triggering stuff. Lots of random squelches, was it?

Speaker 1:

almost magnetic, would you say.

Speaker 3:

I'd say so Potentially.

Speaker 1:

So the compound is got a massive amount of iron under the ground. Gotcha Right. So we are granite and iron. And I did an event shadow dagger event where we had to go to GPS coordinates all over the compound and I mean like in the middle of the fucking woods, nowhere.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Because of the magnetic interference, we were meters, and sometimes a hundred meters off of that point because of the GPS Wild. Use that to your advantage. This information listeners. Okay, do not fucking trust your technology. Our map is been built by people that do it and everything matches on the map. Okay, try to stay away from your GPS watches and Garmin because they do get thrown off and that's been proven in two events now.

Speaker 3:

Wow, that's good to know. It wasn't something that we factored in, because then you're assuming that your average airsoft or won't spend money on good boots is going to buy GPS. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

This event was purely for GPS and tracking, and navigation right.

Speaker 3:

That'd be really cool yeah.

Speaker 1:

It was awesome, very like small ambush type firefights that's awesome.

Speaker 3:

It was fucking really cool. Dude, those are almost better sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like 70 people and it was like 35. Actually. So the way it was was we have our squad of like 10 or 11 and everybody's doing the same fucking thing. There you go. So you're given the same coordinates and it's whoever gets there first and then does each step of that mission and gets back off the field wins that part of the game. That's cool. Ghosting, ghosting yeah, it's pretty. It's, it was pretty cool. It didn't go the distance like the entire event.

Speaker 1:

It was supposed to be a 24 hour event. I'm not going to get into that on this episode, but that's an ask.

Speaker 3:

That's a tough ask. It's a tough ask. A very technical game like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a lot going on, a lot of moving parts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it got dark fast and then you know you got guys that aren't like all done up, like we are in night assets, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Well, even like at the compound night assets, like if you don't have a thermal, useless Like it's like I like I had a guy run around with my nods and he's like I can't see shit and like I really like my nods, they're good, they're good, I know what they are, but it's one of those things where, like, without the thermal clip on it, like I'm not seeing nothing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it all depends like you do get those nights where you have the full moon and you can fuck. You don't need night vision, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You can see everything like town, everything that's the other thing Like if you haven't played at the compound. There is a full set of street lights everywhere, like the town is fully lit up, the gas stations lit up, the fucking trailer park is lit up as well, and we're outing more lights. And that that's just cause we're sick and tired of people saying, hey, we're getting fucking shot up in the woods by fucking thermal boys.

Speaker 2:

It's like okay, defend yourself in the fucking town, go and fight there If you have a flashlight figure out what works for you, right, like I remember, like before I had the nod and everything flashlight and traces where it was at man and I would take it to those guys with night vision, 100% because you can. You just got to figure out how to do it.

Speaker 3:

You have to know what to look for and how people are going to react, and it's, it's like anything right there's a pro and con, there's a move in a counter move. You just have to know the airsoft chess if you will Exactly.

Speaker 1:

And that kind of ties into my next point. So then you get to the night and people are bitching. How are you managing people in their pissy moods, their highs and their lows as a commander?

Speaker 2:

I was pretty lucky that there wasn't really a lot of people with lows Like we had people go down with like injuries and stuff like that and a couple of people that left because they were cold and unprepared, which that was hard for me to swallow, but it is what it is Right, wasn't even that?

Speaker 1:

fucking cold for October.

Speaker 2:

It could have been so much worse, but no, like I was really fortunate that I had a really good buy-in from the people that signed up with me. So for me to like there was a couple of people, like a couple of like incidents that stand out where, like people were just getting frustrated and they were getting frustrated because they're getting shot up quite a bit and like everything, and like I've been there, you know what I mean. When you feel like you can't move on the field without getting hit. It's not a good day, no, but it's frustrating.

Speaker 2:

It's a day where you're not at work and you're softening so like where, where, how matter, are you going to be right? But for me it was more so trying to manage. Like turnaround times were the biggest thing for me, that was the hardest part for me to manage. So I was trying to get people like motivated to turn and burn because, like I needed bodies on the field because I lost those squads. Yeah, so we had like the. We had five or six squads doing the work of eight.

Speaker 3:

Yeah that the high attrition rate at that game really changed the organizational ideas that we had had.

Speaker 1:

I think that at that point, with PRC closing, there was an exorbitant amount of games. Oh, huge Right. So the community, I think at that point, was starting to get real tired, yeah, it kind of makes sense right, like you, can only go so hard for so long.

Speaker 2:

Well, you saw it right.

Speaker 3:

Like there was a lot of rolled ankles, there was a lot of bum knees, there was some heart palpitations stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was there for that. Yeah, scary, yeah, but again, but again, be prepared for a different AO. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

And you'll always get that when it's the first time anywhere. Like I remember the first time I buried paintball and like climbing those hills I was dying because I didn't do any stair master work. I didn't do anything.

Speaker 1:

Same with Wasega. It's the same thing. First time I played that Jesus Christ man, I lost seven fucking pounds.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't doubt it. I don't doubt it at all.

Speaker 1:

Up and down, up and down.

Speaker 3:

I climbed stair climbers like a mountain goat for two months in advance of that game.

Speaker 2:

So I had a great time Nice there was no real problems.

Speaker 3:

I'm standing at the top of the hill fresh as a daisy because I put in the work.

Speaker 1:

Just dying. I think that's gonna. It's hard to say Like as somebody that is like I play a lot of events, like our team is real active in the community. We do like the toy drive and the food drives and all that stuff. We're trying to really get the name of Airsoft community out there. Fuck, where was I going with this?

Speaker 2:

Fitness level.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think it's gonna be hit or miss with teams coming over to the compound, Cause you're gonna have that comfort level from PRZ and this. There's no comfort level. We've designed this field for you to stay on the fucking field. Well, and that's good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I'm, glad.

Speaker 3:

So okay, it is hit or miss though.

Speaker 1:

Like you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

I totally see that that is gonna be a more physically demanding game, but I feel like this is where we tie into, you know, the six Ps. Proper planning prevents piss, poor performance, correct 100%.

Speaker 2:

Do your cardio.

Speaker 3:

Make sure you're drinking your water, all the stuff that we put in the mission briefing, which is like, hey, it's June, the games in October. If you haven't started cardio, maybe think about that 100%.

Speaker 2:

Like I know, I started pounding water too, like three weeks out Just to get my like base hydration level higher. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Water deficit starts way in advance of the milsim. All right, like it's something where if you're crushing back Pepsi's all the time like you're not hydrated, you are mostly citric acid and there's only so much that we can do as commanders?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to help them we can do our, our, our pre-mission, our pre-game.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Give them our lists during the game. You know, obviously we'll have a case of water there, whatever, to help out, and it's just like well, once that water is gone, it's gone. You guys didn't plan properly. You know what I mean. It's hard for for us in the command rule to run two to three to 400 people yeah, and you know, worry about one individual that you know didn't fucking listen and then now he's an issue and now his whole squad doesn't want to play because you know well, and that's exactly what happened, Like that happened to me with a squad.

Speaker 2:

They had one guy go down and then all of a sudden I they just dropped like flies.

Speaker 3:

Well, they didn't have the cohesion anymore. There wasn't a TSE in their unit, so some one other, I guess more experienced guys just happened to pick up the role. So now he's the one coming in the talks to do debriefs with Greg and I. And I'm like who? The fuck are you? Yeah, that's exactly it. He did a great job.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he did a phenomenal job, he picked up the pieces where he could, pretty well. It's just it goes to show right. So like it's one of those things where and if anybody wants like help with this stuff, like hit up the ink airsoft like Instagram page, hit up me directly like I'll talk to you about it, cause like I just want to help.

Speaker 3:

There are no secrets Like it's all. This is all. Any person that's done any sort of hiking will have these lessons that you can learn. I just happened to have filtered through and, I guess, curated my Instagram to be all these quick tips on how to do this stuff. So you've got tons of content to share if people have questions.

Speaker 2:

We want to like that's the thing. Like I don't want anybody to sit there and be like oh well, cody said this, cody said that. Like so message Cody. Like if Cody's saying it, there's a reason why he's saying it.

Speaker 3:

And there's no interest in gatekeeping it, right Like I'd rather people play the full 18.

Speaker 1:

I think everybody sitting in this room right now wants to elevate Ontario 100%. We want people to get healthy. Yeah, start rocking. Like me and my team, we go out, we rock. I'll use us as an example. I'm sure you guys do too. Camping trips.

Speaker 2:

Side eyes over here.

Speaker 3:

We have a, we've got a gaggle of Jim Ratz on the team, but we've not really done any of the rocking and I love watching you guys do that, cause it looks like it's A a lot of fun but B a great like experience in terms of the technical side of move.

Speaker 1:

For sure, and we try to base our rucks on similar conditions to the fields we're going to play.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Right. So we get prepared and, like this weekend, minus 15, minus 20, I got 27 people going out for a camping trip. That's huge and that, basically, is just a fucking knock the the cobwebs off. You know, team building, coalition building, whatever the fuck it is let's go this, let's push ourselves. We do have, you know, all the safety factors in play.

Speaker 2:

Oh for sure, Like you have to, at that point, with that temperature, like you have to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we've done. We do this every year. Last year I think it was minus 21,. But man, it's a hell of a time and it's good, and it's just little things like that that you can do as a team to prepare for a new field. Like this, like this episode is kind of saying look, this field's here. A lot of the major events that are played in Ontario will be played at this field. Just because we've catered to game hosts, right, we've given them, like, like I said in a previous episode, we've given them a canvas and said, hey, paint a fucking pretty picture for us. Like I've given you guys everything you could want on a field. And we're not even into a full year yet.

Speaker 2:

See, that's the crazy part to me, because it's been amazing to see this grow and just the potential with it is massive. And that's the part that it really has me the most impressed, because as this field develops, it's just gonna get better and better and better.

Speaker 1:

Because we're gonna, we're gonna play it and we're gonna notice, you know, like hey, there should be a fort here, or hey there should be a fence here. Let's add 15 more trailers here. You know what I mean. Trust me, I'm fucking trying. Like you think there'd be a lot of you know pieces of shit, fucking towable trailers around, but these guys are fucking scooping them up and scrapping them before I can buy them.

Speaker 2:

It's fucking crazy.

Speaker 1:

Plus, who wants to pull a fucking piece of shit trailer two hours north, at risk fucking your CVOR? You know pulling shit like that.

Speaker 2:

That's the hard part.

Speaker 1:

It's. You know what it's so difficult it's. You know, we've been blessed with, you know, woodcock Lumber and stuff like that, or Paul Woodcock and his Lumber company and stuff like that, delivering wood and giving us deals and all that stuff helping us out and it's huge. But we're going to continue building. But let's, we're kind of strained from what we're. We're trying to get people prepared for what's coming up and we want to talk to Abrick.

Speaker 3:

And I don't want to scare anyone away with this right, because in terms of Wasega like it's a different kind of heart right it's not crazy hilly. You're not going to have that same level of exertion that you had at Barry or Flags White with the Hills. It just doesn't have that topography to be like that. But it's still challenging, so you still need to prepare for it.

Speaker 1:

It's also a paintball field, so it's it's built for paintball and their ranges.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So that's. That's one thing that you will not like. We do have one paintball game booked. It's a magfet game, Cause, honestly, I think that's the only thing I really want to allow. Well, magfet is turning into like very close to what we do.

Speaker 2:

For sure, and it's impressive, and you're getting range now.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. That's more of a realistic game set.

Speaker 3:

It's not spamming. Paint everywhere For sure.

Speaker 1:

Which fuck me. I don't want that all over my buildings.

Speaker 2:

Well, you already have it on some of them.

Speaker 1:

Most of it is washed off and I've come up with a mobile trailer with a water tank and a pressure washer, so the four wheeler will pull across and then, you know, volunteer myself will spray it down, cause we all have expensive gear.

Speaker 3:

You know what that's actually. That's one that I wanted to touch on that I feel everybody learned the benefits of with daybreak was that there's a lot of people that they're going to the extra mile. They're buying real gear. Right, it's very compliant. So you're not picking that guy out in the bush, You're scanning with your nods and he doesn't have anything I or reflective on him because he spent the money not to that's right.

Speaker 3:

That's why I think you're seeing thermals being the real edge of the sword when it comes to this field going forward.

Speaker 1:

And the newest thing, because we're not near an airport which opens up huge amounts of gameplay.

Speaker 2:

It was amazing having one for daybreak.

Speaker 1:

I bet it was perfect.

Speaker 3:

It was so cool, they sent it up.

Speaker 2:

They showed me everything that was going on in the town. Yeah, all right, I'm going to send guys here, here and here, yep.

Speaker 1:

So ISR capabilities are ago now, especially, I guess, with the new command rules that just changed. Yeah Right, technically, we all know. So your drone operator at daybreak was my drone operator at deadfall.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, there was a midair drone versus drone fight.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I saw that. Oh, yeah, that was amazing.

Speaker 1:

That was fucking crazy. So I hope we can do stuff like that at nightfall.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, definitely, yeah, just even the game changer of loan, of having live footage where it's like, oh cool, they're sending two squads to the town, better go beef that up.

Speaker 1:

And I think that just adds such a fucking realism factor.

Speaker 2:

And that's just it. Right, you literally like. This is a thing.

Speaker 1:

There's no guessing where your fucking guys are anymore, like before, like I'm going to say it yeah, we use trackers, like we all know, like we use fucking trackers. Okay, so our PLs are tracked, which means our squads are tracked. At PRZ, it didn't really fucking matter because, like you could look. Yeah, literally could look and know where everybody is. But now where you're on 200 acres, you need to know where your squads are. So, technology is definitely going to play a huge factor going forward.

Speaker 3:

We even daybreak last year. Having that was really cool, right being able, because we were designating hilltops various names so we don't have to guess oh, is it the second to the last hill, or no, it's hilltop Charlie, right, yeah, we had that naming convention.

Speaker 2:

Put it at least for our platoon we needed it though, because we were stacked up on those hills for like 12 hours, I think, yeah, like we were there for quite a while and we just rotated through, and it worked out beautifully, exactly.

Speaker 3:

It's sorry, go ahead. No, no, go ahead, go ahead. I was just saying definitely the cool and the realism factor of sitting in the talk on the radio, hear the buzzing coming over you, look out and the drone sorry, is auto landing itself on its little launch pad. It's like, okay, that's sweet.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty bad ass and it opens up a photography. Yes, so the video I made of the drone over top I think it was IRA when they were getting Chris when he did the suicide vest mission Just getting that footage over top, like at PRZ, we would never have that footage right. It's always on the ground because, unfortunately, we're right beside that fucking airport. Yeah, exactly, so that's a game changer, so I look forward to that. I've already seen the benefits of that, so that's really cool. I would quickly want to touch on sand Sand. There's sand everywhere In your gun, in your boot, everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Under your hat, in between you and your vest, for no reason.

Speaker 1:

So your guns are gonna go down.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we saw a really high follow rate on guns at Daybreak. At least four or five within the squad alone, Dozens of people from various teams, kind of like onesie twosies.

Speaker 2:

It's like it doesn't matter what platform, Like AEG, HPA, like. I went through and I cleaned up my Kythere after and it only saw like a couple hours of gameplay, just to be sure, right Cause you never know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like that's the one thing. We're to the point now where you need to clean your weapons. Your airsoft weapons were just relaxed, liberals.

Speaker 3:

Well and that was one of the biggest piss-offs, though, was like you see some dude who's just like throwing his rifle into a sand bank beside the sandbags. It's like what the fuck are you doing? Oh yeah, it made no sense. It doesn't make sense.

Speaker 1:

The M249, like right into the sand.

Speaker 3:

What the fuck, oh what do you? Think was gonna happen. These are toys, ladies and gentlemen, if you look at anybody, though, even from like the real army standpoint dirty soldier, clean gun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, always, always.

Speaker 1:

So get used to, you know, having to actually clean out your guns. You should anyways. Yeah, you know it's easy, it's all concrete, right.

Speaker 2:

Just be aware of my gun for years, a few years, so much.

Speaker 1:

If you ask Jake or Andrew the Tex, they both hate me.

Speaker 2:

I don't doubt it. Oh yeah, oh man.

Speaker 1:

Every time I hand him a broken fuck. Okay, let's quickly move on. Anything else you guys wanna touch about the game before we move on?

Speaker 2:

I honestly, overall experience, I really enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun commanding. Like I said, very different than what I was expecting, but it was a great time, Very happy with the command stuff that I picked for it. You guys fucking supported me in ways I didn't even know I needed support in. Thanks, man.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome, buddy. I don't know. I feel like the daybreak is not well explained in terms of what the expectations are. It's a ruck in game, right? People are used to nightfall. People are used to PRZ. Oh, it's a five minute walk to my car. I could just use it as a secondary CP. Well, no it's. Would we discuss a 500 meter walk? And then you have to cross the field? Yeah, so it's a half hour, that's it. Right, people have to be a little bit different in how they pack. I think for the compound going forward, for sure, you need to pack what you need and you also need to know what you're actually going to need. Like, I took away some lessons where I overpacked food and underpacked water, so that's on me. But bringing pop-up enclosures to a ruck in game, or having four trailers worth of stuff that you're bringing in, like when you asked me before, was there any pregame jitters? It wasn't until we were loading those freaking UTVs.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, you're looking at what everybody's bringing. You're just like, like I'm here with a really full backpack. Yeah, and that's really what I brought was a really full backpack.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the thing, and that's literally what we're going over next weekend is there's no tents, there's nothing. You're literally bringing your ruck in your fucking sleep system and what you need to survive for 48 hours and that's it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But it's also shocking, like what you do, what you think you need, versus what you actually need, right, like I know for me to survive like an 18 hour game, right, I need eight bottles of water, I need two Gatorades, I need a little bit of salt and I need enough calories.

Speaker 1:

And not monster, but you guys are Red Bull dudes.

Speaker 2:

I can't help it, but the thing is, though, that's a luxury. If I didn't have that, I could still do the full 18. It's just anything that I put in outside of that. It plus like a dry set of clothing, which is only one that I need, because everybody's different when it comes to what they need for that, but that's really like when it comes down to brass tacks. That's all I need. So now, anything else that I can bring because I have room is a luxury, red Bull being one of them. Right, that's one of those things.

Speaker 1:

And at daybreak, we basically made sure that you had, while you brought, a generator, but we did have a generator for both sides. So that's gonna continue. So, no matter what, in your comms or in your command, hooch, you will have a generator. So you will have the option to charge whatever you need to charge for, whatever team you have. I'm gonna come out and say that doesn't mean don't bring extra batteries, Not at all Two means one, or one means two in airsoft, exactly, and at the compound it's four.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you're not wrong.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and even back on the radios thing like we actually burnt through radio batteries that I wasn't expecting to Like we had picked up a duffel bag of comms equipment from a friend of the team that was more than happy to let us use them. So thanks, brian, very much. Yeah, that was huge, but even then we were burning through batteries.

Speaker 1:

It's because you're broadcasting way farther than you would at PRZ. It's true, right? So you're going way longer distances. There's more draw, which is more everything on the fucking battery.

Speaker 3:

And so that's one of those things where, like one of the key takeaways would be, cody and I are looking do we pick up our own set of radios? And if we do, we're gonna have to tidy them out where it's like okay, the stock antenna probably is not gonna be what you need at the compound.

Speaker 2:

You need a cat tail.

Speaker 3:

You need a fold out antenna. You need more and it's probably the easiest way to get a little bit more on thought of your bio thing. The extra batteries two is one, one is none. Get the extended one. There's a lot of things that you can do and those batteries are small. You can fit that in like a dump pouch, no problem, no problem.

Speaker 1:

Today's play carriers and pouches lots of room for all of that shit. Oh, it's crazy, no excuse.

Speaker 3:

If you've got a pouch that holds custom little chem lights, I think you can have an extra battery on you.

Speaker 1:

You got a plan board, I think you can find a battery, and so we also provide washrooms at each control point.

Speaker 2:

I can also confirm that they can take a flash bank pretty good. Yeah, like a fall CP raid and they threw one and I was taking a leak and then all of a sudden, I heard something bounce up against it. Whoa, I'm like, well, I'm not leaving.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we do everything we can to keep you on the field. That's the whole point of the compound.

Speaker 1:

Now nightfall will be different just because beside each CP and for nightfall we will be using the CPs that we both know, okay, okay, just because both of them do have fields next to them so we can accommodate everybody's pop-up tent. See, that's nice, we can keep everybody beside you, but your building is your building, perfect. You know what I mean. That's not like fucking 15, fucking 10 by 10s and then you have yours and everybody's brah brah, brah, brah, brah, brah, brah, brah. I don't know how many fucking times I've had to turn around or get ski or one of my guys and say shut the fuck up. Like, just shut the fuck up, this is a CP. Yeah, okay, we're busy running fucking 200 plus people right now. Just shut the fuck up, I'm in the middle of something.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like that's a thing, and that's actually one of the nice things about daybreak that I noticed is no one really came in the talk. Perfect, I recognize this isn't a hangout point. It was probably the very stern look on Greg's face and just the overwhelmed look on mine where they're like leave those guys alone.

Speaker 2:

But on that note, squad leads, please check in that was probably one of the bigger take-offs Squad leads and PLs. That's the only people I need to talk to, and that's the people I want to talk to.

Speaker 1:

Let's go over that in detail. Just because the rule changed for nightfall.

Speaker 2:

So biggest thing is the rule changed with PLs and the biggest thing is gonna be you're not allowed to lone wolf.

Speaker 3:

No, I think is amazing, yeah, because it's, it's the way it should be.

Speaker 2:

You should be tied into a squad, like, and you will be asked, like what 11 guys are you with?

Speaker 1:

Technically, you should be tied into a platoon.

Speaker 2:

I agree, but it's going to be one of those things. At like three in the morning we only got one set of 11 left, or six, or who knows what.

Speaker 1:

So I guess the minimum would be one you have to be with a squad minimum.

Speaker 3:

And I don't want any of that. Oh, they're over there somewhere, yeah. No, no you need to be embedded with them.

Speaker 1:

You're a.

Speaker 3:

PL three bunkers.

Speaker 1:

You don't give a fucking excuse at this level when you've been chosen as a fucking platoon lead. Because if that's the case remember that list we're all talking about yeah, you get added to it.

Speaker 2:

You're not going to get fucking hired anymore. Yeah, and like there's a reason why I've already sent messages out to people who I want to be PLs. Yeah, like it's, I handpick, it's funny.

Speaker 1:

I need it. It's funny because we've sent the same message to the same fucking people.

Speaker 2:

Well, we know, right Like, that's just it and that's like and that is going to be the most interesting part about you and I commanding against each other yeah, we know the same tools, we like the same things, we operate the same way. Yeah, like it's, there's no whole bars, right Like it's it's, and people are going to sign up for who they sign up for, and that's just what it is. And then you deal with what you have and you make the best out of the best situation you can like but nobody gets to choose who they sign up for.

Speaker 2:

That's the difference I like that when it comes to teams. Yeah, I think that that's going to be such a different dynamic and I am so excited for it, for sure.

Speaker 1:

So, as a commander, just to break this down, because I'm sure force recon is going to put up a post soon because we're getting close to February 1st, it's getting there. So as a commander, we get to pick our vehicle team. So our vehicle vehicles in the community will put their resume let's say air quotes out and then they'll say I want to play for alpha or Bravo and then, we choose. I'm pretty sure we both chose those there. Those are done, You're going to.

Speaker 1:

I think that one's already set, yeah. So then we get to choose for recce, which is a sniper spotter, sniper spotter, yep, which is realistic, I like, and then we get to choose five PLs.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And only our teams get, automatically get it which is wild.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's good. I like it because then it's a true dodgeball.

Speaker 1:

Sign up, that's honestly, I know there's we're trying to mash this out because it's the first thing, but I think that, okay, you got ink, I got life fighters.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what else, when the cards fall right.

Speaker 1:

Let's see where the cards fall man Like everybody's signing up for, for alpha or Bravo. So the guys that have been tanned for the last seven, eight years, or even fucking, we're on we're on 13. Now yeah, I fall 13.

Speaker 2:

Pretty sure it is ours is 13. Isn't that wild, holy fuck.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be rowdy. It's going to be rowdy.

Speaker 1:

And daybreak was within a hundred points, wasn't it yeah?

Speaker 2:

It was very tight.

Speaker 1:

You know what? I was game staff and I walked around for that entire event. It was fucking cool to watch.

Speaker 2:

Like we were doing everything we could, and like trying everything we could, and like just pushing the whole time. Yeah, I've seen it.

Speaker 1:

I've seen some veins pop out the side of your fucking head, man, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Blood pressure was rising. But it was good though, because it was a test of my skills to see what I could do. Yeah, tested your skills for tactics and like shit.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's why we're we've asked to implement the four man card and command staff for nightfall. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It gives you an extra dude.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. It's going to be a welcome addition. My poor brain definitely needed it. Yeah, no kidding. And then I even think on the PL front, because it is the problem. You guys are pointing at where it's the we know the same peoples. It's the same one or two guys that everybody wants because they're really good at what they do, but I don't want to discourage other people from giving it a shot. If someone wants to have a go at PL, hit us up. Shoot a message.

Speaker 2:

Same with Recky too, actually. Yeah, like there's no reason for them not to message us and just kind of throw the ideas out there, because I mean nothing set in stone until the names are on the dotted line. Right, that's it. That's what it comes down to, right? If?

Speaker 3:

plenty of time left to sort things out, but we definitely would welcome other players wanting to have a go at that. I feel like it's an opportunity for people in the community to grow and try a different role. It's not lone woofing. You are a command and control asset and just know you're going to be a little more radio heavy.

Speaker 1:

So and don't take that spot lightly, like when Cody or or I or any commander in Ontario. Airsoft approach you and try to hire you as a PL. That's a serious thing. You make or break the game.

Speaker 3:

You literally do Like there's a few things I look for.

Speaker 2:

I look for somebody who's going to play 18 hours. I look for somebody who actually gives a fuck, because that's huge. I look for somebody who actually knows how to use a radio and whether they can use a gun well or not. I mean, they just got to be better than me. So the bar is pretty fucking low. But it's just one of those things where, like, I need them to be able to just embed into a squad and just relay information, because really at the end of the day, a PL is just my eyes.

Speaker 2:

Yep, right. So if I don't know what the fuck's going on, it's cause you didn't fucking tell me, correct.

Speaker 1:

And if you don't fucking tell me, I'm pissed because you can only see somewhat of a dynamic from your ISR from your drone, sorry.

Speaker 1:

Uh, for layman's people but me, you can only see from above. Okay, so having your PL on the ground and mashing that in with your intelligence from the air, it's the only way to get the whole picture. It gives you that complete picture as if you're fucking there shooting the people in front of you. You know what I mean. So that's a. That's a cool attribute. I want to quickly touch on the fucking dog tags.

Speaker 2:

I love the dog tags that.

Speaker 1:

So the first time I ever seen that was a Connors event, the uh one in Renfrew red road. Yeah, so he did the bracelet thing. We had one instant where, uh, a vis laser fucking flashed towards us and um, and then the guy had severe God mode, like video fucking God mode, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know how I feel about that. Yeah, you believe it or not, this team's on the shit list.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad, yeah, I mean, I'm glad they're. I mean I think they're on the shit list.

Speaker 3:

We're going to have to compare.

Speaker 1:

They're the one, they're the. The team you and I have been talking about that Shouldn't play this event.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, then we're not going to mention their name.

Speaker 1:

I'm pretty sure they're on the shit list then. But it's one of those things where like it's.

Speaker 1:

This game is so integrity based it is, and and this program, like, of having ID match the name on fucking registration, is genius, because it scares the guys that usually are doing it into the point where, hey, there's a, there's a chance. I'm never going to be able to play at this field again. It's true, though, we're going to go fucking play. You know, a true milsim like yeah, wes has his three games, which, uh great. I've played that event before, I've had good times, and they're they're very heavy on new players. And then you know there was Sega group, which is awesome. I know Matt Capin put out three games for Clareington Woods. Nothing from Clareington Woods yet for any of their games. And then, jody, we're calling you out. I want to know when fucking icebreaker is man?

Speaker 3:

I got to book my vacation. Yeah, it's getting fucking busy Like it's.

Speaker 2:

It's so nice to have a game that's close to us. Yeah, like icebreakers. Like I look forward to that game because it's literally like my shake the rust off game. Oh dude, my guys fucking love icebreaker Going up against you guys. When you guys were camped up on that hill, man, I was picking apart those bunkers in every fucking thing. Like hamburger hill baby, oh man, I was. We were pushing hard. Oh yeah, we were pushing hard and like I just remember coming up over that hill so many times and just diving for bunkers trying to get away from that freaking spray you guys throw down all the time.

Speaker 1:

Commander says uh, she's like magic, Don't let them get that fucking hill. Roger that.

Speaker 2:

Fucking, problem.

Speaker 1:

Oh man I think you and I took top operator.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we did. Yeah, well, that's good. Well, learn both of you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was that you know what?

Speaker 2:

Fuck? I love that game. I was so spent at the end of that game. Oh my God, I was tired. I was in Gnarly field, gnarly field.

Speaker 3:

TFS is. It's a lot harder than it you would think at face value.

Speaker 2:

Oh such a crazy hybrid of like hills and structures and just like the unique. U shape to it. And then all of a sudden, now the cornfield was in play. So you have this vast openness. Oh yeah, and like that was just so unique, it was just, it was a good time Meet you at the silos 2am buddy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah exactly, exactly, but you know what? And the night at that field, like For when you're not using night vision. Cody and I played a Delta game there where it was so challenging because it's so fucking dark at night.

Speaker 2:

I had my hands six inches in front of my face and I couldn't see it.

Speaker 3:

We're holding on to the back of each other's chest rig. Oh yeah, because it's like that. Canopy in the summer is so thick you have no hope.

Speaker 2:

That game was August. I think of that when we did that Delta game. I think it was in August. Yeah, it was later in the year, but even then.

Speaker 3:

So day breaks in May, or day break ice breakers in May, and it's so dark even with nods You're washed out.

Speaker 1:

I remember we were about to raid your CP and I think you were the only one that were at the top of the hill. I think we shot you. You were by yourself for some reason, was it you? I was drunk on a beach somewhere.

Speaker 2:

No, but it was another guy on my team.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't a guy.

Speaker 2:

I came down behind you guys. Yeah, you came in after the raid.

Speaker 1:

I remember that because you were out doing something. I was up to find you. That's what I was doing.

Speaker 2:

See what I could do, to see what I could make happen right.

Speaker 1:

We had one in guy come up behind us, but the problem was is he was just a fucking tiny bit too loud, yeah Right, and then he walked into something he didn't like.

Speaker 2:

That's how it always goes.

Speaker 1:

It was fucking dark man, it was so dark. I remember how fucking dark it was.

Speaker 2:

That's what makes that field fun, though.

Speaker 1:

Super fun and it's a break, and that's what I'm trying to say. Like we really want all the because we're losing everything. It's crazy how fast it's happening too. We need to have everybody step up and I want to play everywhere, not just one contained field. You know what I mean. I know it's the first year for the compound and everybody wants to play a game there. We appreciate that. That's awesome. You're only going to play that field in that, the way it sits once. Yeah, I will promise you that, because even if I have a fucking afternoon off, I will build a fucking building. You know what I mean. I don't give a shit.

Speaker 2:

That's why it should be, though it's got to keep growing Right. It's not done yet. No, that's the biggest thing.

Speaker 1:

Like we're at one city block. I want a city. See, that's going to be amazing, I want a fucking city. So like literally the CP's, the city will start there and sporadically go through everything Right, and we're going to keep it. Like I said, the I don't want to get into two specifics about the race series or anything like that, but the roads will be manicured, they will be increased. We're talking about two and a half kilometers of roads being added.

Speaker 2:

That'll be massive, especially because that brings the vehicle dynamic back into the games. That's all I want. That's going to be nuts.

Speaker 1:

February 4th we're sitting down here for a vehicle podcast with team Cal. It's amazing because they've built to. They've been around since the college days with their vehicle. That vehicle was the opt for vehicle? Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3:

I remember many, many an afternoon getting shot by the Cal guys in their Jimmy. Oh yeah, maple maple maple yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Um, what I want to do is I want to push other teams to build their fucking uh, their technicals and to know that you have the ability to store them at the compound.

Speaker 2:

See, that's actually that you say that there's been conversations that have been going on between why to myself a different subject matter, Cause you never know but it's one of those things where I mean, I don't think it's a two, four that you might see an ink vehicle up there.

Speaker 1:

Who knows, right, I'd be amazing because one thing you guys have in mind is that you guys haven't done is play many vehicle games with us.

Speaker 2:

No, that's right.

Speaker 1:

And they're fucking amazing.

Speaker 3:

To be fair, it was not something that we were ever really involved in. Yeah Right, and then when tags got banned in Canada, that was kind of right. When we were looking at that, we're like, okay, shit, let's get some launchers and let's start figuring this out. The band comes down. Well, there's no real point in doing this, cause I'm going to fight a vehicle with a BB, like nothing.

Speaker 3:

And I just didn't have the same appeal. So the increase of launchers seeing some of these awesome 3D printed things oh yeah, we're talking about drones dropping ordinance. It's changed the game and we're very interested.

Speaker 1:

I'll show you some videos after this. Oh boy, we got coming. Sounds good. They will hit the market very soon. Let's just say AF sixes can fly, fuck you, oh boy, I did.

Speaker 3:

I'm sold. Just send me the invoice. It's what it is at this point you have my credit card on five.

Speaker 2:

Five. So let's see, let's quickly go over this.

Speaker 1:

Let's just say these guys came super organized and came up with their talking points, which is kind of unheard of. Usually it's me putting out the work. So it was. We don't come into anything half cocked, Definitely not walking into nightfall. Always bricked.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm ready, I'm ready. I've got one thing that you guys don't have ski, you know that is.

Speaker 1:

uh, you're right.

Speaker 2:

And uh, I I'm really glad you're bringing somebody who can help you. And uh, I I'm really glad you're bringing somebody who carved the first wheel.

Speaker 1:

He's, he's sewed up the uh first sleeping bag. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2:

He's been around. He's the one who put the down in it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love working with ski right, like we've played under you guys for multiple different games and um it's his consistency.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Right, you, hour one, he's the same as he is hour 17. And like that's something that, like when I'm running at 110% and I walk into you guys is talking to, that's what I see, like it's. It's a beacon of calm. Yeah Right, just his level of staying calm in the cast, something I've really taken away because, like, especially at daybreak when everything was popping off all at once, I was out there sitting on sandbags, radio in each hand, just doing what I can man. My head was down, map beside me and I'm just trying to juggle Right, and it was something that I kind of lean on, was like thinking about him, just being how he is and just this is what's going on, this is what I need.

Speaker 1:

He is really good and on that note, I got to actually let the community know and we're going to make it official. Daybreak will be the last command that me and ski ever do in Ontario.

Speaker 2:

I herself daybreaker nightfall, or sorry nightfall, I was going to say don't mess that up because nightfall, nightfall nightfall, nightfall, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I just uh. Well, you know how it is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we do, we do.

Speaker 1:

We got to call it. We have, I mean, nothing, but W is under our belt.

Speaker 2:

But well, for now for now, yeah, for now. We're going to try to put an end to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we're going to try to kill a ginger. Um which one? There's lots of yeah, there's lots, that's true Hate crime?

Speaker 3:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I just want to put an end to the alpha's losing streak. That's my biggest thing when it comes to nightfall.

Speaker 1:

I do too. And just because I did announce my uh, my retirement doesn't mean I'm not going to fucking bring it.

Speaker 2:

So I hope not. If you didn't, I would. I would visibly be upset, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't, I wouldn't want to do that and I wouldn't want to let down like I've. I've made a lot of uh relationships with teams in Ontario airsoft. I've I've led, you know, quite a few people to uh to victory and I want to continue that Exactly. But I also want to uh have a succession and bring up newer blood, uh to take the torch and continue.

Speaker 2:

Well, in knowing you, I know that Like, let's just say, we continue commanding. I know that I can ask you for input 100%.

Speaker 1:

I did a daybreak. Fuck. You need a PL, call me up.

Speaker 2:

There we go. That's it Right, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Like it's. I, I want to fucking play Right. So for two years I we commanded the the biggest events in Ontario airsoft, which is awesome. It's a great time, it's fun, it's stressful. I love it. Uh, my entire job, my career, is to work under pressure and I not toot my own horn, but I've gotten good at it and I appreciate it and I love, you know, seeing the smiles when you win and stuff like that the next day, Uh, or lose whatever, and you learn from that. But I think it's time to move on and bring up some, uh, some younger guys or some newer guys, or even some older guys in the community that you know maybe didn't step up yet and now I've stepped up for a role change right.

Speaker 1:

Role change. That's it. I like shooting my gun.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't blame you. You got a lot of money on it.

Speaker 3:

You want it Exactly. Uh, even from a it's. It's a really rewarding thing to do. Yeah, we were super excited to even have been asked, like one of the one of the people who I've been working with pieces that I joked with Greg on her team is when we first started playing nightfall. It was just like man, wouldn't this be really sick to like command this At least? For me it got to cross something off the old airsoft bucket list.

Speaker 2:

That's just it Like now that I've done it. I don't know how long I'll continue to do it or what capacity it'll be in, but it's the same idea. Like I do want to get back to playing too, like that's the biggest thing, right. Like not playing at the compound yet, and then another game is going to go by and I haven't played at it yet.

Speaker 1:

Like, fuck me, I want to play a man 100%. I was lucky enough to do two events but, like I said, they didn't really Utilize the field. Yeah, like one was just in the bush and then one was literally in the fucking town because it was, you know, an attack and defend changes everything, changes everything. So I have no idea what you know path to take or what Flank to do or anything like that. So it's, it's kind of good.

Speaker 3:

So even to kind of segue off that right, one of the pieces that we wanted to touch on was Especially with the compound, is hoping or looking to see how game hosts in the future Can utilize more of the field. Right, ontario airsoft has had this very long culture of a 50 yard line, yep. Right, the no man's landed berry paintball, the kitchen area, prz, and now the town at the compound now the town at the compound.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's fuck that up. There wasn't. From at least what I saw, I didn't see much of a fight in the areas outside our CP Right.

Speaker 1:

So other than the one time where I was there when TFA started pushing you guys.

Speaker 2:

Meanwhile I've got so many people sitting outside their CP. Oh, I'm waiting for the mission to drop to raid their CP and like I don't blame them. Yeah, I know that if I was on the other side I would have been doing the exact same thing.

Speaker 1:

I guys would have been literally sitting there waiting to go.

Speaker 3:

That's exactly I thought they had the task force areas guys just like hanging out in the woods waiting for they were.

Speaker 2:

They were literally right there, but then they started encroaching in right when the mission set hadn't dropped yet it's like in that like, and that was the frustrating part. Right, because With how close those CP's were, it was very easy to have assets sit in there. Yep, right, so like, and the thing is like I burned an asset just in there, and that was the point exactly right, because you you did only have Nine squads.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's 99 people, right? So this field playable right now. You're over a hundred, um, so much ground to cover, yeah, so to have 99 people cover that field is impossible.

Speaker 2:

It was not doable. I was literally Robin Peter to pay Paul just to keep Stuffing people on missions and trying to hold assets and do different things keep that in your head when the game is flag flip.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, for sure. So what that entails is a constant firefight Over different parts of the field and who you can spare to go out. That's what it's gonna be. It's gonna be attrition.

Speaker 2:

No that's perfect 98% of the time, nightfall turns into an attrition game anyways. Yeah, and like, that is what the game is set up to be, and it's amazing Because I know like, from our standpoint playing it, that's something we love about it.

Speaker 1:

I can just picture it now imagine. So just to clear this off, in no way am I involved in any sort of organization with Forest recon and the nightfall series. I know you better than that daybreak. I was involved in organization. I was an mpc game control, all of that stuff. So I was privy to some of the stuff. But to get it out there, I have no fucking idea what they have planned. I know there's no missions involved usually. No, usually there isn't. I can't speak on that. But imagine having a flag in one of the buildings on the front lines.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you have to fucking go through the trenches. And that's even my hope, right? Yeah, because so for anyone that didn't play, daybreak was three flags. Day breaks normally no flags, but this was one outside the cps, one in the town. I'd like to see that plus up a lot more, because there was no reason to go check out parts of the field. The other just have our guys recce it and maybe see if we can dig in for an ambush there, yeah, but to open up the playability to the field, and because it is so big, your lines are porous. You have no hope of a 50 yard line, not a chance.

Speaker 2:

It's just not like there was no way to even hold a line with the amount of players that we had. That's what I'm hoping like. We got like 500 600 people sign up for this game, because if it's like 250 on 300, that's massive. That'd be amazing.

Speaker 3:

It would be good it almost make it easier for us.

Speaker 2:

One of the biggest things to the paint.

Speaker 3:

The picture for people that either weren't there or haven't done a command roll in the past Is that we say we've got 99 guys, but you're fielding actively in that fight 40 tops, tops, right, because you've got guys coming back. You've got guys bombing back up. There's guys on the fucking walk out to the front line because it's 15 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Or you got guys that are all dead, their entire squad's wiped and sitting there right exactly waiting for that, Actually there is no bleed out, no, but they're still sitting there waiting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, who knows why or they didn't communicate that they're all dead. So they're waiting for the last guy to call rtb, and he's been dead for 10 minutes too. Yeah, that's fucking crazy to me, man.

Speaker 1:

There's lots of your dad's.

Speaker 2:

Go the fuck back get back in figure out a solid setup for when everybody dies, folks 100% and that's.

Speaker 1:

That's another thing. Like the compound, from a command standpoint, you need to play this like a military event. You need to run your platoon leads, your platoons, your eod squads, your vehicle squads. Everybody needs to do their fucking job or you're losing the town, you're losing the gas station, you're losing the trenches. I've watched it happen.

Speaker 2:

It happened to me a day, or, yeah, a daybreak. It happened to me. Oh, I watched it, people never tell me what the fuck's going on. All you got to do is fucking communicate and I can play such a more effective game, and it's not even just me, but the whole overall player experience is just better. Yeah, and that's the biggest thing, right like I talk about it being like for me, it's not for me, yeah, it's for the whole side.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, command is like you win. That's awesome. Your organization was a huge part of that right. But at the end of the day, it's for the fucking players, it's not for us.

Speaker 2:

It's the whole side, that's right. Like I didn't fire a single fucking shot, how did I win the game? Yeah, you know what I mean. Like that's how I look at it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that wasn't for us. Yeah, exactly and that's almost. That's almost why we're focusing so much on this, the attrition and the negatives. It's because those detract so much, not just from your experience Driving all the way up there and spending all the money, yeah, but it also detracts from everybody else's, because now they're having to pick up that much more. Now Everybody's running at 120 percent instead of the hundred percent that I expected them to do. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

I got a guy who slipped a disc. Because he just refused to leave the field because we needed bodies, yeah, and like that's what it comes down to.

Speaker 1:

How do you guys feel the game hosted with that game?

Speaker 3:

I was pretty impressed. Yeah right Um, I feel FR Really stepped it up their mission.

Speaker 1:

So that was beautiful. I think that it was make or break because of the new field.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it could.

Speaker 3:

They went him it could have flopped bad If they didn't step it up the way they did, they had to prove to the community that it was viable. I think. I think they did that in spades. Oh yeah, all through the process they were nothing but transparent in the communication.

Speaker 2:

We had what three video call four, yeah, four video call meetings with them About rule sets, about, like the changes that need to happen by moving to the compound and like just little things that, because we're all players and we've all played their games, they really value our opinion. Yeah, right, so like when we talk, like they do listen, which is amazing, because that's the only way to invoke positive change. Right?

Speaker 1:

and the amount of game control on the field at a time Was amazing to like just to see that like I fucking walked that fucking field, I probably did more steps than any of your guys.

Speaker 2:

Oh, probably.

Speaker 1:

Fucking back and forth, but it was. It was really good to see. I was really stoked because, uh, like I said on a previous podcast, I was super fucking worried About what everybody would think. Like, at the end of the day, I am an airsofter that really likes realism and I wanted to build a field that takes away anything that we don't like as a community and kind of just emphasize on more of the realism. Like, instead of having, like you know, a bunker every four feet or six or ten feet away, yeah, like that shit doesn't exist at the compound. No, you're literally. You're fighting through a real town, you're fighting through a real bush. Yeah, there's some tires stacked up by certain teams and stuff like that. Like that would be the Only fake part I guess that we have in the compound to date. Right now, everything else is built up military wise.

Speaker 2:

But that also, like those tires and stuff, that would also happen, right, like? You got to think like, as, like assets move through a territory, they change things, true, right? So it's not even that that's necessarily fake, it's just not designed as intended. Yeah right, that's the only way that I would look at that even even like trails through the woods.

Speaker 1:

I've I'm starting to notice, like you know, teams are making their own little trails through the woods and and they're kind of learning the field as they progress, going down game by game, which is cool to see as well, definitely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know you're gonna see lots of that develop right Like oh yeah people find their own little, their holes, and I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I don't discount the fact that it is so realistic. I feel like teams should probably spend some extra time looking at more technical things than an airsoft or normally would, because they're used to that Bunker, bunker, rush. Yeah, like, no, like. This is a linear danger area. It's a big, long, open road. Set up your LMG Cross guys, two at a time. Yeah, wait and see what's happening. Don't just commit your 10 guys walking in the column down the middle of the road, because waiting it's smacked. My guys are gonna love you and their L shaped ambush at the end of that fucking roadway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and and not like don't expect to go into a building and it just be you know one room. Yeah, it's like you got to go in. There's fucking three bedrooms in the back, right, you know, and there's a like a simulated bathroom sized room, and like any of those rooms will have somebody in it. It's not just like you know an eight by eight fucking building like everybody else does.

Speaker 3:

You know, or even all these trenches that you're putting out right Like Trench. Warfare has a doctrine. Yeah, go read it. Yeah, there's guys that paid for this 100%, you might as well, just learn from the real life lessons that are there and it's all available online like everything's available.

Speaker 2:

And it's needed, though, like really like to elevate what's going on and like the biggest thing is like the biggest thing I see at the compound is just the general elevation of games. Yep, right, we've elevated our playing space. It's no longer Four buildings, yeah, right, like we now have a forest, we have trenches, we got different buildings, we got all kinds of stuff, roadways like there's so much more to do, so much more to explore, so much more to enjoy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, I think that's going to be a big learning curve for people. Is this increase in vehicles? Yeah right, because it's not something that we really dealt with. You had that one lap around prz. I don't think Barry ever had vehicles. Wasaga didn't have anything, the terrain just didn't allow it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're gonna have to. If you're a more organized team like ours Uh, like inkin life fighters and some other awesome teams in the community You're gonna have to start training on vehicles. Yeah, it's right, it's needed. So I well, I can give it away anyways so we're gonna have A section of the field that is a traffic jam Amazing so you basically can train, uh, introduction with vehicles. So you're gonna have a vehicle in the middle, a couple vehicles blocking it in and even more space to part, and you're gonna have to get, like a VIP, out of that situation. So it adds training to it, right, I love it.

Speaker 1:

And you can use your rolling vehicles to approach the situation, right, and there's just certain sections of the field like that that we're gonna segregate, but it all plays to the whole scheme of things. That's cool. Do you know what I mean? So, like I go back to what I said before, we're giving the canvas to game hosts to fucking paint a pretty picture using real world stuff. Yep, you know I mean change the name. Blah, blah, blah. Fuck politics. Keep them the fuck out of my field. I don't want any of that bullshit. Make sure you write a storyline so people can kind of it makes the difference.

Speaker 3:

It makes the difference right.

Speaker 2:

Well, it goes from playing fortnight to playing call of duty to doing the real thing, right?

Speaker 3:

exactly. So I don't know that vehicle interdiction one would be a really cool fraggo. Exactly, that'd be a wild. You pack five guys in each of those cars, there's a VIP and there's three bodyguards, yep, and when that buzzer goes and for some reasons, they're all dead and we're carrying a dead body out.

Speaker 1:

And figure it out, because these cars they're not in the middle of the woods, they're on, you know, a turnoff on the major road. Yeah right, so it's. You're not gonna have cover coming up to these vehicles. This is figure it out, it's, it's, it's real world. It's like you're on a fucking highway. There's not barrels and fucking trees and shit. On the highway there's three fucking cars and there's a guy in the middle of those three cars that you need to get out. Figure it, the fuck out.

Speaker 3:

I even go as far as you've got your two, four or you've got eight guys right, you've got two four-man teams and they start inside the vehicle. 100 right, kick that fucking door open and get your guy out. Yeah, hope you had your sling on.

Speaker 1:

And that that's another thing where, uh, we'll talk later about technology upgrades and drone and dropping ordinance and stuff like that, where you can use that as an asset. Now we're before. At certain other fields you couldn't do that right. It's huge.

Speaker 3:

So I don't know there's a lot of opportunity there. From the, the cool mission perspective, right, I think FR did a pretty great job at daybreak. Um, the whole, the brothers, the brothers. Yeah, that's bad. Yeah, from the. Not a lot of people would have been privy to it just because of where we were in the command, but the storyline and how it weaved together and you do this and this is the result, and now you have to do this mission. And then you get the fireworks going off or you know there's a buyback that goes wrong and buddy blows himself up. For anyone that hasn't seen the footage, oh man, it was crazy. Now you've got to do some TCC I think I missed a C and get those guys back so that you can get information, so that you can do the next mission, and then the comms tower.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of funny putting a tourniquet on a guy and then almost water bordering him at the same time.

Speaker 3:

He was fucking telling me where it was oh man.

Speaker 2:

It was getting close and, like the thing is like I'm sitting there, I literally said let him die and just walked away.

Speaker 3:

I was done with him and I'm like no, no, no, I've got a rag in my pocket. Someone here has a canteen. I didn't sign no Geneva paperwork. Geneva, what I.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I followed it there anyways.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, war crimes will be prevalent on the field for certain games.

Speaker 3:

Show me my signature.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no kidding, oh man. So to kind of put everything back into perspective, uh, your first Command at a big event was successful. So congratulations on that. Thanks, man, appreciate that, the main thing about that. Uh, as well, mike war tooth, I don't know if you listened to the series, but you did a great job as well.

Speaker 2:

I did phenomenal. I could not have asked for a better person to command against, especially my first time, because, like him and I had good communication beforehand and it was just really nice to uh, oh, it was nice to talk shit to each other too.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, that was hilarious. There was a lot going on.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh boy, but then uh, but even still, though, like you touch base on them like amen, like checking in, like did we go too far? He's like no man, it's all good, like it's all in good fun. And like even after the game, like he came up to me and he's like I don't know which one of us is gonna go on to like to Play nightfall, but he's like, whoever it is, like we should play for each other. And I said to him like I agree Because like it was just a lot of respect was there between him and I and for somebody that I haven't interacted a lot with, it was just a really great experience. He definitely.

Speaker 1:

Uh, how do I say this? He stepped up more and above and beyond, like he did a great job, and I didn't really expect that much From somebody just thrown into it. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

No, I do. He really excelled right. There was the opportunity to sink or swim there and he definitely swam.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, I agree with that 100%. Like it, it wasn't a fucking blowout game, it was.

Speaker 2:

Nobody wanted it to be, though, either. No, because, like that's really what?

Speaker 3:

yeah, like that was a blowout like I'm sorry, Hollywood, that would have been a tough one to stomach. But it was even tougher to play against a watch man like Are you talking about caulker? Oh man, they, yeah, both ended that way.

Speaker 1:

Cocker was against.

Speaker 2:

When I'm sitting when I'm sitting there just outside the trailer park and then I like and I'm just, it's me and it was Danny, and we're just sitting there and like everybody was coming, I was dropping and like they really were, and it was just the two of us and the what's crazy is the rest of my team Was behind me like it wasn't. Like if I went down there was somebody there ready to take my spot, to continue the fight, to the point where, like, you told us to calm down and like, let me just put this out there, nobody ever told me that nobody put baby in the corner.

Speaker 2:

Don't tell me to sit down, don't tell me to take an extra 20 minutes. Don't fucking ever say that again to me, because, fuck you, I don't want to do that. I want to play hard Like I don't show up to these events to fuck around like I'm the one who finds out and like it was just. It was really difficult. That whole season was difficult that way Because it was multiple games where we got told to kind of back down.

Speaker 1:

It was Really that was a tough one for Hollywood and I just want to point out don't talk shit before the game To me, especially if if you're not going to bring it.

Speaker 2:

It's. It's one of those things where there's a reason why why and I don't do a lot of talking we do a lot of playing yeah speak with actions, not words.

Speaker 3:

That's, that's it I just hope he took away lessons learned. I, because the biggest one watching that, because, like I got a four time scope I'm sitting at the end of the road watching Cody and Danny fend off waves of twosies, threesies, fivesies. It's like Fuck guys, where's the cover fire? Yeah where's the bounding cover? Where's this what's?

Speaker 2:

crazy to me is I even had like a game control beside me, because, like they were saying, oh, I've hit him, I've hit him, I hit him. I had a game control beside me. And he's like I look at him, he looks at me, he's like Cody, he's like keep it up, like I wasn't getting hit. And it's just one of those things where, like I just, I just I don't quit talk about that for a second.

Speaker 3:

Yes, well, while I'm on my tirade of rants against the airsoft community, you can zero an optic. Oh, you can have an optic on your gun, first and foremost. Yeah, and you're allowed to zero them. You don't know what that means. Please contact, add in care soft and I'll send you guides. There's tons of shit on the internet.

Speaker 2:

If anybody's upset at what we're saying here, like I'm just putting it out there right now. Come at me directly and it's your opinions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, so it. This is your point of view, or when I say something, it's my point of view. Like I said on the previous episode, the recap, the airsoft experience is going to tell it how it is, to who it is, for it is, and we're not going to fucking sugarcoat it, because what's the point of having this information go out if we're just going to be sugarcoating the?

Speaker 2:

information, there's no point. But like but, like, I'm also not the type of person where, like, if I'm saying this and it's upsetting you, first of all, okay, look at why. Yeah, if it's upsetting you because I'm hitting too close to home, message me, because I'll actually help you get better 100%, because I'm not sitting here just to talk shit and not help.

Speaker 2:

I want to help, like that's the thing at the end of the day like my whole team wants to help people get better because we want to play 18 fucking hours against great fucking people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and just have a good time, 100%. Yeah, I'm not doing this purposely to be an asshole. I'm doing this because I want to poke where the wound is and show hey, this needs to get better. Elevate the community.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. That's what it comes down to.

Speaker 3:

That's what it comes down to Right Lifts all boats. So let's help each other and let's get better, because we've got a great field now, yep, let's execute Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Let's uh, and that also goes for the game host.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you guys need to elevate as well, it's a whole thing right, it's a whole community needs to elevate.

Speaker 3:

It's not just one aspect. We've got an opportunity here. Let's not squander it.

Speaker 1:

Exactly we can. That's the other thing I want to point out about the compound. You want to host a game there and you want to see something like hey, you know my fucking, I need some towers for my game. Sure, I'll go build you some fucking towers. You want some fucking trees gone? Sure, I'll snap my fingers. The trees are fucking gone.

Speaker 2:

I know you want natural birds. I can do that.

Speaker 1:

They have done that very well. Let's uh, yeah, just nonstop with those saws. Um, there's stuff we can do to do that. Like I have a OMD, they want an underground bunker. Fuck it, I'm giving them an underground bunker.

Speaker 2:

That's wild, so sick.

Speaker 1:

When I say underground, the access to it will be underground in a six foot tunnel from a trench line that goes to a submerged outpost. Uh, bunker, machine gun kind of tower thing.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So one way in, uh, one way out, but it's going to be hard to take and you can't hit it from above.

Speaker 3:

That's what these uh tag frags are for Exactly, exactly. If you don't have hearing protection, that's a good over the break investment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hearing protection. This is the first year that they've been used. At, uh, operation Green Mile. Somebody went home, uh, unfortunately they weren't wearing ear protection, and I am very good at placing these grenades where they need to go. Oh man, it blew up directly beside his head, yeah, and I guess his equilibrium was gone and he fell over. It happens at this point in our careers. You should be wearing fucking ear pro, whether it's the inner ears or over ears, like I don't like getting shot in the fucking ear it hurts, it fucking hurts.

Speaker 3:

Well, thunderbees are loud. Oh yeah, we've had tags before. Like everyone is aware of these lessons, the footage is out there. You watch any game out of the States. There's these, uh, an Ola gay P grenades going off like candy. Yep, we've now got these an Ola gay flash grenades that we saw a lot of at narco. There's tons of pissy people and it's like you were briefed about it. It was in the rule set.

Speaker 1:

It's actually mandatory at light fighter milsim events to have your pro or you can't play. That makes sense, though Only because of the amount of ordinance. Oh jeez, you know what?

Speaker 3:

I love to see it, though it's one of those things where there's really no excuse. If you've got 17 guns at home, there's no reason that you can't buy one. What is a Howard light like 70,?

Speaker 1:

75, 78 bucks, Even if you go to a fucking Peltor. A Peltor is the cost of one of your guns, but that's the only ear pro you're ever buying.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's a reason people say it.

Speaker 1:

I've learned those lessons so many times even the cheap fucking 120 decibel fucking foam things. You can still communicate on your comms, you can still listen to your PL yelling at you or whatever your fucking squad lead Cause you know some of us do it, yes, and are well, are well, known for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, my guys, don't know how to say push in three different languages by now I'd be surprised. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3:

The hearing protection is actually mandatory on ink, so, cody, doesn't blow your eardrum.

Speaker 1:

There you go. It should be mandatory everywhere. It's just something that we have to adapt, and if we don't adapt the rules, people are going to get hurt and then we're going to lose the fun stuff.

Speaker 2:

And that's just it. Right, and really, what it comes down to is like we don't want to see people hurt, we don't want to lose our fun toys no, and they go hand in hand because you're not going to go throw a fucking uh, one of those uh green gas, fucking bouncing grenades on a sand floor expected to go off or ever see your fucking grenade again. That's just it. They're not going to have the same impact for us.

Speaker 1:

So unfortunately, at the AF sixes they do cost money. Yeah, um, and they're one time use, but you don't have to go and find that shit after a battle.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I've I've had the fortune to play both with and without them and uh, I will never go back if I don't have to. Yeah Right, so having the college where you're watching, probably thousands of dollars of these grenades go down back and forth on the hallway and things are going off and you hear they sound like like shotguns going off inside. Right, they're freaking loud. Yeah, boom, boom, boom. You can be outside anywhere on that property and still hear that going on. 100% adds a to the ambiance and B to the cool factor. So why would we hamstring ourselves?

Speaker 1:

You can hear those go off at the campground. Yeah, like at the compound. We're talking like half a column, it's crazy, but it's true though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's why hearing protection Huge.

Speaker 1:

It's just as important as your fucking eye pro.

Speaker 3:

Right. Honestly, I don't know how hosts haven't cracked down in that fashion.

Speaker 2:

Ears eyes, mouth, simple, simple.

Speaker 1:

Simple. Everything else doesn't matter. Your gun could fucking shoot to the left and hang a right and fucking drop 20 feet out. At least you're out there having fun. But fucking protect your fucking ears, your eyes safety's key and your goddamn mouth.

Speaker 3:

I've had two shots, so have.

Speaker 1:

I pushed my bottom two, three back with Sega. Yeah, forget who fucking died. I think it was Carlo. Oh God, motherfucker, I love you Carlo.

Speaker 3:

It was 400 bucks I didn't need to spend, which is, you know, significantly more expensive than any mouth guard or face mesh could ever dream to be.

Speaker 1:

So like I'm not into the whole face mesh shit, but like I mean, put a fucking under armor mouthguard in. That's what I use. You're done that's what I use.

Speaker 3:

So Delta Mike pro, I think, is what it's called. But they are these balaclava man. It's like a mesh, it's like a hybrid, like hybrid, right. So it's comes up like a neck gator wood and it has a mesh piece that sits right on top of your lip but it's not the whole mesh built in.

Speaker 1:

It's like one of those beautiful little gators.

Speaker 3:

It's that nice jersey material, hard with a mustache or beard because it gets really itchy, yeah Right, but it is a nice piece of foam padding, so used to that, though I know right All the time, especially when I'm running the AVE on that's the fucking worst Getting a seal.

Speaker 1:

It does seal, though, believe it or not, even with my beard.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have to tuck the fucker in, but I probably have it cranked nice and tight too. Oh yeah, I just pop it out like this hey magic, Can you see?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's fucking go. I see everything. I see everything.

Speaker 1:

Even the purple squirrels. Yeah, exactly, we are at a hour and 40 minutes, oh wow. So we're going to wrap this one up, but briefly, let's get our last thoughts in.

Speaker 2:

Let's go with you, cody. I'm pumped for this year. I mean, I don't know what's going to happen. I'm excited to play more at the compound, I'm excited to actually play at the compound and I'm really excited to command against you. I think it's going to be a very big battle and I know I'm ready. I don't know if you are, but I know I am.

Speaker 1:

I was ready when I won the last nightfall on my friend, or the one before that. Oh no, no yeah, it was two nightfalls in a daybreak, right yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. We don't look at ourselves as the type of people where we make or break a game. That's not us. We just go there and we do all we can, and that's literally what it comes down to.

Speaker 1:

You're a good example of committing to a commander to do what you said you're going to do for the entire time doing it, and that's why you got a fucking chest full of uh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got enough of them, that's for sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's um, appreciate you saying that, because we do, we put a lot into it, right, we put a lot into it and that, uh, that picture with the whole team holding up the alpha flag in front of the bus.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Screen saver at home.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

I fucking love that. It's a good one. No excuses this year.

Speaker 2:

No none.

Speaker 1:

It's everything's planned out. Fr's doing their due diligence. I think it'll get more involved on their end after February 1st. I think they want to know how many people are coming first, yeah, that's the biggest thing. Which makes sense. I'm definitely ready to rock and roll. I'm definitely ready to rock and roll. My two I is. You're definitely ready to rock and roll Shopping at the bit. The only thing that I guess I got to do is find another RTO, just cause that rule changed now, but I'm sure they'll be using platoon leads.

Speaker 3:

So I guess that's the the open call for if anyone wants to have a go, please read yeah.

Speaker 2:

Platoon leads, send me a resume is cause I'm down, I'm looking and then also, if you guys think you can do recce for me, I'm always down to kind of look and see what my options are. Right, I'm not really set in stone with anything just yet when it comes to a recce and then also PL. So feel free to kind of shoot me your thoughts and what you're thinking and what you can do for me.

Speaker 1:

I will put in info in the description of this episode so you can just click and it'll go directly to them.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They are heavy on posting on Instagram, so I would say, hit them up on Instagram. I don't even think you guys are on Facebook or Instagram, is enough cognitive burden for me.

Speaker 2:

I hear you that are people can hit me directly too, so five.

Speaker 1:

Instagram accounts.

Speaker 2:

So I feel you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's busy.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I'm looking for somebody to take over the social media end, just because I want to focus on building the field hosting games, playing games, commanding one more game, one more game and that's it. Fuck, you know what? I just said that publicly and I did promise Cal that I would fucking command his game.

Speaker 3:

Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So as it stands now, I'm still still just just a nightfall. We'll go from there. I'm meeting with them on the 27th. So there you go. We'll talk about that, I know. I just want to quickly talk about Echo. They've been in the game for a long time and they are hosting a game. We will get information out. I'm sitting down with them next weekend. We'll get information out about that game. It's very MPC involved.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So we're going to start pushing on that. Check out OP gun runner put on by light fighter milsim, july 21st weekend. Lots of vehicles, talking 10 issue vehicles and active MPC town. So it's going to be something different that I've been wanting to do for a long time and I haven't really seen yet in the sounds unique.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we're excited to see him. What you got.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be good, but on that note, thank you so much for guys coming all the way. The fuck out to me Mississauga from London.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but thanks for having us. I'm happy Appreciate it. It was a good time.

Speaker 1:

I look forward to seeing you guys out on the field.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be one way or another.

Speaker 1:

Right, let's do it. Thanks a lot, guys. Take care, you too.

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